omaigod....after 6 gruelling years, i finally got myself a new phone..!!
(yes, the last phone i chose myself was a Nokia 7250i, and that time, that was one of the bestest best phone already.....that crap costed me RM1200...)
anyway, i've been scouting on phones since last month, but since my old phone could last, i thought, oh up the cash la...
mana tau, slowly the stupid battery was acting up, and it was on the verge of exploding...(WTF?!)
i went to this shop and asked whether they have any battery for my phone model, and they quoted me a hefty RM100++ price..
i was like...WTF?!?!
and then i asked if they had any 'made in china aka imitation' ones....
that costed about RM25...wheewewww......
so i just asked them the condition of my current battery that time,
i quote that guy (he said it in canto, but i translate here la.)
me: will this battery like...explode?
guy: nope, this battery will not 'like' explode, it WILL DEFINITELY explode...
me: WTF?!?!?!?!?? that's that...the battery incident..
blablabal.....later, i'm still facing problems with my phone because after all it is a imitation battery......pfft...
then i got into a heated arguement with my mom because she tried calling me on my phone, but then my old phone died-ed.....
so yeah, after that arguement, i immediately went scouting frantically for new phones..
i told myself to COMPLETELY IGNORE THE LIKES OF NOKIA...because yeah, for all my life, i've been using nokia and there wasn't any good experience from it..
so i thought of switching to Sony Ericsson...iPhone is out of the question because i would have to commit myself to the local telco for 2 years. (paying a stupid sum of RM60 or RM100 everymonth, when i in fact, do not use that much..=_=)
SO, it was the battle between Vivaz, Aino and Satio...
originally i picked Aino, because it was a media phone.....i needed musics for my gym and runs, so i thought that'd be a good pick. Who knows, it has so much flaws that i switched to Vivaz...i was this close to buying Vivaz when i found out about the lousy speaker it had. After much research online, i found out that even with the Equalizer, it didn't do much difference. So finally, I picked Satio. Since i've played around with Satio before, i thought, oh's worth the money...^^
since it's only RM120++ more than Vivaz, i figure BAH...just get Satio la..
So i went to that shop, and that lady there was so friendly and her service was so good..!! i'd defintely recommend to get from her. She even installed Garmin GPS for me FOC...
And she said i could go back to her for the map updates.
definitely one of the best phone salesperson i've ever met. (and she was soooooooooooooooooo friendly!!!)
OHHH...and she gave me a new phone number FOC also..!! finally i have a 017 number..XD XD
all in all, i love my new phone SO VERY MUCH..!!! the camera functionality is uber awesome..!!!
Oh, apparently a friend of mine said that if you named your phone after someone you like/love, you'll cherish it even more..
so yeah...
my SE Satio now is my OKITA..........
Listening to : XXX holic - 19sai
Mood : WEEEEEEEeee...OKITA~~~~
Flying Paper Airplane
5 years ago
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