Energizer Night Race 2011.....a race/run that went down in history as one of the WORST EVER run. I'll just break it into points because i believe there are already more than enough blogs out there that are ranting about this race..(come on, 10120 runners participated in this event, an event which all thought would be enjoyable, but turns out to be a disaster...)
So, there were Boycott pages and Hate fanpages all over facebook. Media coverages were all over (theStar papers, The Malay Mail).
Why is it so bad? well...here's why...:-
1) When we reached the venue, we were ushered to a parking area whereby there were wannabe parking jockeys collecting not RM2, not RM5 but an outrageous amount of RM10 for a parking (in which, i read online that someone's car got broken into and had his Blackberry stolen). If i were to pay RM10 for that measly parking, i might as well throw the money into the sea.....
Also, what pissed me off was that when i reached, there's this bunch of CHI KO PEK that parked next to me...when the CHI KO PEK got down his car, he opened the car door so hard, that it hit my car....and DAMN, not a word of apology..!!!!!!
Fucking CHI KO PEK, i hope you have your car scratched beyond repair. And let that scratched car be the last car you'll be able to buy in your entire lifetime. ASSHOLE....
2) HELLO?? where are the signs?!?!?
we were walking around not knowing where to head.....as usual it's the follow-the-crowd mentality because there were little to no signs around to guide us....
*inserts horror bgm*
we were walking around aimlessly, not knowing where to go, and finally we saw a huge group of people trying to squeeze into this puny door and OH, whadaya know.....there's a sign that says 'ENERGIZER NIGHT RACE *points arrow at the door*'
10 000 people had to go through that puny badly ventilated tunnel (it's like the Nazi's Poison Tunnel) to get to the venue.....i'm like WTF?!?!
if 10 or more people were to release 'killer biological gas' that time, i believe people would've died...no seriously....the ventilation was so bad, i was surprised no one fainted.
and guess what, all 10 000 runners will have to go through the tunnel to exit too....
(but, me and my friends didn't go through the tunnel, instead, we climbed the wall thingy on to the seating area.....)
Thus, the tunnel is now known as 'THE TUNNEL OF DOOM'.
4) Water StationSSSSSssss (note : multiple 'S' are intended)
11km runners....it's amazing no one died because of dehydration.....i mean, come on....there should be more than 1 pathethic water station for 11km and above runners.....
and who in their right mind would give out 1.5 liter bottles of mineral water & can drinks during runs?!?!?!?!? HELLOO??? does common sense ring any bell to you guys?????
It's usually my routine to NOT 'visit' the 1st water station, but it's mandatory that i get at least a sip of water in the 2nd water station....
SO, as i passed the 1st water station, i figured,'oh well, there should be another one 1 or 2 km ahead'...
i ran and ran and RAN AND RAN...but the tents were no where to be seen, and in the end i had to run another lap to reach the pathethic water station (which was situated almost at the end of the track)
yes, i daresay..i almost died.....i was already saying my 'goodbyes' in my mind......
5) Screaming crazy MC/Director
as an MC/Director/Head/Leader of a certain organisation/team, you DO NOT scream at your customers/attendees.....come on, who's at the worse point...??
(a) runners who are tired, thirsty, sweaty (and no water booths to be seen at the finishing line)
(b) MC standing there doing nothing......
Duh, you're frustrated, but we, the runners are even more frustrated...
we come into this run, as serious runners.......not for what you label as 'A FUN RUN'....
you think running 42km is fun?????? it takes a whole lot of motivation, courage and determination to be able to complete that distance...and you label the race as FUN!?!?
come on JOSIE, you should've known better before you took up this job and organised an event this big of a scale......
and as the icing on the cake, you SCREAMED at the runners through the mic and called us HOOLIGANS...??????
helllloooo????? if we're hooligans, you'd be sitting next to your God by now, because you'd be DEAD......
err..duh? you promised us goody bags, and we didn't get them....nuff said......
mail, post, ship, teleport, send a stork for all i care...where is my goody bag?
EXPOSE << organiser's company name ---- well, you pretty much SCAMMED us....
6) HEADLAMPS disaster
WOHOOooo....Free for all headlamps...unlike last year, this time the headlamps were free for all. You grab as many as you like and walk off, and no one is there to stop you..
When we got to the headlamp collection area (after the tunnel of DOOM), there was a dark area at the corner of the walkway whereby everyone were zombie-fying the headlamps. So, our group decided to split up and tried to grab the headlamps. No crew/staffs were there to tell us how to operate the headlamps and everyone who took the headlamps didn't know that to switch on the lamps, you first have to pull out that thin piece of transparent paper. After we found out about that, all 5 of us grabbed 5 headlamps each because we thought of taking for each other...turns out that EVERYONE grabbed 5 headlamps each, thinking of the same thing...we ended up with almost 25 headlamps and being civilized, one of my friends braved through the zombie-fying group of runners, and returned the extra headlamps we had..
SO in the end, we only took 1 each ^^ *smiles*
7) Calling in the police
err....we're runners, who are tired, who were promised of something that we were never given, in this case...the goody bags...
DUH, when you closed the shutters on us, obviously you'll be adding oil to the fumes..!! and when crowd control gets out of hand, you called the police on us???
EXPOSE, JOSIE, ENERGIZER.....where the hell is your common sense?!?!?
oh wait, if you had any of those, you wouldn't have had only 43 people to 10 000 runners in the first place.....
HMm.....did i miss out anything?
well, it seems that after all the uproar and hate fanpages up on Facebook, Energizer decided to REFUND EACH AND EVERY PARTICIPANT OF THE RACE the full amount of the registration fees.
well, more news will be out on Friday, and EXPOSE said that they will mail out the goody bags to ALL the participants. (more news out on Thursday 6pm, according to EXPOSE)
so, let's see how they perform their damage control.
Listening to : BoA - Your Color
Mood : ZZZZzzzzz
Flying Paper Airplane
5 years ago
OMG...I didnt know it was THIS bad...
I read about it in newspapers and heard of the "tunnel of doom" from an ang moh participant but the rest is juz outrageous for a major company like them..
And for them to call the police is juz @__@
well, Energizer is taking over the organizing company to refund and give out the medals, cert,etc...
the organizing company can go eat shit la really...
the totally dug a hole and hid inside...
good thing Energizer took over and picked up after them..else, a brand which is so hard to build, destroyed in 1 night..just like that..
but seriously, this will be the LAST time i'm joining any runs by Energizer....
dun wanna lose my life at some lousy runs..LOL!!
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