Tuesday, March 9, 2010

that mistake wasn't mine!

ok, what are the odds of my overlooking a damn obvious mistake? 
it's staring right back at me and i doubt it's my mistake..
true enough, after checking back...it wasn't my mistake......

well, who knows, maybe the other side made a mistake and decided to cover their own ass to save themselves from having to compensate...
so in turn they blame us....and coincidentally (or rather, unluckily) i was the one to handle that at that very time..
yeah, blame me for being unlucky, but i know the mistake wasn't mine..

i will admit if it were mine to begin with, but when it isn't...i sure hell won't go and take up that shit.

Listening to : heck cares what i'm listneing to...i'm fucking pissed...=_=
Mood: do you even need to ask? =_=

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