I did this entirely on experimental ways. It may not seem as nice (in fact, it could be one of the worse mask made in history) but then, i kinda figure it works?
I'll see if i have extra time i'll try to make another one, one that looks better than this....
ANYWAY, first....we need to have these...
- Balloon
- Strips of Newspaper
- PVC glue
- Blade (DUH!?)
- Scissors (duh again?)
- marker
- Spray Paint/ Pastel Paint/ Watercolor (whichever you want to paint the thing with)
I drew a face shape onto the newspaper, it's for measurement purposes....
Then i drew the face shape onto the balloon with the marker (heck, you can use pen or pencil...lol..if you're skillful enough not to pop the balloon)
Then it's time for paper mache..!!
Well, i made a mistake when i was mixing up the glue substances....i added too much water instead of the glue.....=_= BUT, i coated another layer of glue without water onto the paper mache...i believe it worked out ok?
Took about 1 whole day to dry, no thanks to the rainy weather...=_=
Also, LOL.....i was running around the house finding people to help me pop the balloon.....i didn't want to pop it myself...didn't know why...LOL!!!!
ANYWAY....here's the result...
Then, i proceeded to painting it....It didn't turn out well for the spray painting part because of the newspaper strips.....there were obvious lines (which made it look so much like Jim Carrey's THE MASK =_=)
So i had to wrap it around with a flat layer of newspaper. That was the mistake, or so it seemed.
I don't know how to put it into words, but i coated another layer of glue on it...
The rainy weather didn't help much, so i had to speed things up by using the hairdryer.....
ANYWAY, i came so far already, i'm not gonna give up, so i continued on and painted in the details...
I had to make do with watercolor, because genius ol'me had forgotten to get poster paint. Oh well....
Oh, since i wasn't gifted with artisan's hands, i had to draw outlines of the details onto the mask first. Wouldn't wanna screw up the drawings now would i ? LOL....
so, after painting in the details....i finally finished my mask..!!!!
I believe, some would already know what mask this is...but then, not gonna put in the final thing, i might wanna mend the so-called finished product..^^
NEXT WEEK, gonna turn into a slave for prop making again.....=_=
Listening to : Makai Senki Disgaea - Kimi he no Ai wo
Mood : bububububu..~~~
Hohoho...i see WIPs ;)
I remember reading from somewhere that u can use sandpaper to smoothen out the lines/surface of the mask...I have never tried it myself lar >.<
i tried, but then the entire piece started to tear out..i think it could've been because of the mixture of the glue which is wrong...
oh well, i'll give this mask another try when i get the time....i have another prop to make summore in order for this dude's cosplay to be complete...=_=
using hair dryer worsen it only. just let it dry normally next time 8) you have the time at the moment haha~
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