The cast are as follows...
Relyss as Lelouch Lamperouge
Riko as Euphiemia li Brittania
Well, it was quite a fun shoot.....though, before reaching the place, i was screaming like a mad person in the car because of the infamous KL jam. Seriuosly, we were stuck at the roundabout on a Sunday morning for about 45 minutes. It was near, yet so far....
GOsh...good thing we noticed the 'Jalan Tangsi' and took a lorong to bypass the traffic lights. Else we'll be stuck there for another 20 minutes.
With all those jam and craps, we finally made it to the venue, but we were behind schedule like..WAYYyyyy behind schedule...
(supposed to start at 9am when the place opens....but we started at 11 instead....the time when the sun is at it's peak)
Gah...that resulted in us being burnt in our costumes....and i was hiding under the umbrella most of the time..because....COME ON...try wearing 3 - 4 layers of clothes under the hot sun in Malaysia.
more photos...LOL...(needed to rant)
Suzaku & Euphie
Lulu & Suzaku
Well, i think i'll not post up THAT many photos here.....coz...YES hito ISH LAZY.>!! But do head on over to the album...that is IF you wanna see more..hahaha.....
Though we didn't make it to GACC, we still had our own share of fun here...I'm not gonna say we had more fun than GACC, it's a matter of perspective...
Regardless of whether i went to GACC or not, the main thing is to have fun with my team....and yeap..we had LOTs of fun....
The bed talks, the gossips, the shopping (GAHHh..I BLEED....T^T)...the food (relyss...we still need our choco trip..haha..)
P.s....LOOK OUT NEXT ENTRY....The Timeless Bond Photoshoot
Listening to : Tackey & Tsubasa - Yumemonogatari
Mood : Yawns....SIENZ...sat is almost over...T^T
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