Monday, May 11, 2009

MOTIVATION AND DETERMINATION...that's the key to everything!

okay, you guys know those girls who are obsessed with losing their body weight?
YEs, i think i'm turning into 1 now.
I've been monitoring my weight and doing stuffs that would reduce my body size so frequently lately, i feel it's an obsession.
I wonder if this is a good or bad thing?

Coz i mean, to me i feel it'll do doing so, i'll watch my dietary lifestyle, my exercise routine...etc etc...
HOWEVER, to some people, (my mom especially) having all these restrictions means i have ' NO LIFE '.

Seriously, i have thought about getting all those slimming products from the pharmacies and also forums, but somehow have my doubts because it's not cheap to begin with.
My motivation has decreased if compared to before...
HOWEVER, i thought of a new plan.....
BUY JEANS THAT ARE SMALLER THAN YOUR USUAL SIZE!! ( okaay, i know this is money wasting, but it's a way rite?)
and hey..IT WORKS!!!

SO you see above? yeah, that's my personal fatty challenge...PLan to lose it all by end of this year....
BUT i need to lose at least 4 - 5 kgs by August.......COZ GACC IS AROUND THAT TIME..!!!!!
MOTIVATION AND DETERMINATION...that's the key to everything!!!

*hangs costumes in the most obvious places in the room*

Listening to : Macross Frontier - Northern Cross
Mood : motivated..!!!

1 comment:

Riko said...


Hanging ur costumes in ur room and going to gym plus the control of ur food intake are WAAAAYYYYY better than spending $$ on those products u find in pharmacies...believe me, those products are merely pulling wool over ur eyes...they dun work...even if they DO work, the effect isnt significant enuf to make any difference and worse, u might have to put up wif side-effects >.<