WELL, after several pesters from my colleagues, friends and even my boss, i finally activated my facebook..after it being dead for a year.....haha...
(my, now why did that sound so familiar? Oh...yeah...it's the same incident as my DA account)
I have no idea why i have the tendency to register for something and leave it idle..only to come back after 1 year to activate it....
(YES...I AM THE KING OF PROCRASTINATORS!!! heck..i'm GOD of all GODS of procrastinators..!!)
anyway, yeap....my facebook account is up and alive...but i'm still trying to familiarize myself with the stuffs they have here....you see, my brain cells are of 256mb ram now....i cant process information that fast....haha..
anyway, my facebook is the same as my name, which is hitokiri_sien...so i think it shouldn't be much trouble searching for it eh?
(seriously, i have no idea how to search for friends...HECK..i don't even know how to add friends in friendster.....and here i am, venturing into another realm.....=___=)
oh well....XD
here's the link to my facebook..and i shall be updating on the right panel of my blog...haha..
(fark...long url is LONG!)
Listening to : Hunter X Hunter - Pray
Moods : Slleeepppyy...ok...i shall depart for slumberland now....Orz
Flying Paper Airplane
5 years ago
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